"There's still a huge gap between men and women in the advertising world. Statistics are hard to swallow, only 7% OF directors are women. Guys have been creating strategies, building our image (usually very distorted) and assuming our needs for too long." elda broglio is a brilliant illustrator and a constant collaboration force at tronco.
#eldabroglio #illustration #portrait #womanempowerment #equality @EldaBroglio
"There's still a huge gap between men and women in the advertising world. Statistics are hard to swallow, only 7% OF directors are women. Guys have been creating strategies, building our image (usually very distorted) and assuming our needs for too long.
In nine years I only met one female Ad Director, and let me say, working with her was one of the best things that ever happened to me in the field.
Women are creative, focus, sharp, organized, but also kind and encouraging.
Here is her Portrait Mercedes Lopez FloresDirector at Tronco .#eldabroglio #illustration #womanempowerment #equality" Elda Broglio
"There's still a huge gap between men and women in the advertising world. Statistics are hard to swallow, only 7% OF directors are women. Guys have been creating strategies, building our image (usually very distorted) and assuming our needs for too long.
In nine years I only met one female Ad Director, and let me say, working with her was one of the best things that ever happened to me in the field.
Women are creative, focus, sharp, organized, but also kind and encouraging.
Here is her Portrait Mercedes Lopez FloresDirector at Tronco .#eldabroglio #illustration #womanempowerment #equality" Elda Broglio
"There's still a huge gap between men and women in the advertising world. Statistics are hard to swallow, only 7% of directors are women. Guys have been creating strategies, building our image (usually very distorted) and assuming our needs for too long.
In nine years I only met one female Ad Director, and let me say, working with her was one of the best things that ever happened to me in the field.
Women are creative, focus, sharp, organized, but also kind and encouraging.
Here is her Portrait Mercedes Lopez FloresDirector at Tronco .#eldabroglio #illustration #womanempowerment #equality" Elda Broglio
"There's still a huge gap between men and women in the advertising world. Statistics are hard to swallow, only 7% of directors are women. Guys have been creating strategies, building our image (usually very distorted) and assuming our needs for too long.
In nine years I only met one female Ad Director, and let me say, working with her was one of the best things that ever happened to me in the field.
Women are creative, focus, sharp, organized, but also kind and encouraging.
Here is her Portrait Mercedes Lopez FloresDirector at Tronco .#eldabroglio #illustration #womanempowerment #equality" Elda Broglio