Little Big Awesome is an American animated TV series created by Tomi Dieguez and developed for Amazon by Ben Gruber. Two inseparable buddies, Gluko and Lennon, are in for a wonderfully strange adventure. Not only must they get a lost little bubble back home to Bubble Land, they need to make it back in time to stop a group of adorable yet naughty kittens from messing up Grandma's house.
Little Big Awesome is an American animated TV series created by Tomi Dieguez and developed for Amazon by Ben Gruber. Two inseparable buddies, Gluko and Lennon, are in for a wonderfully strange adventure. Not only must they get a lost little bubble back home to Bubble Land, they need to make it back in time to stop a group of adorable yet naughty kittens from messing up Grandma's house.
Little Big Awesome is an American animated TV series created by Tomi Dieguez and developed for Amazon by Ben Gruber. Two inseparable buddies, Gluko and Lennon, are in for a wonderfully strange adventure. Not only must they get a lost little bubble back home to Bubble Land, they need to make it back in time to stop a group of adorable yet naughty kittens from messing up Grandma's house.
Little Big Awesome is an American animated TV series created by Tomi Dieguez and developed for Amazon by Ben Gruber. Two inseparable buddies, Gluko and Lennon, are in for a wonderfully strange adventure. Not only must they get a lost little bubble back home to Bubble Land, they need to make it back in time to stop a group of adorable yet naughty kittens from messing up Grandma's house.
Little Big Awesome is an American animated TV series created by Tomi Dieguez and developed for Amazon by Ben Gruber. Two inseparable buddies, Gluko and Lennon, are in for a wonderfully strange adventure. Not only must they get a lost little bubble back home to Bubble Land, they need to make it back in time to stop a group of adorable yet naughty kittens from messing up Grandma's house.
Created by Tomi Dieguez Written by Ben Gruber Executive Producer Ben Gruber Co-Executive Producers Agustín Alberdi - Tomi Dieguez - Andy Fogwill - Ignacio Orive - Diego Rosner Directed by Sung Jing Ahn
Created by Tomi Dieguez Written by Ben Gruber Executive Producer Ben Gruber Co-Executive Producers Agustín Alberdi - Tomi Dieguez - Andy Fogwill - Ignacio Orive - Diego Rosner Directed by Sung Jing Ahn
Created by Tomi Dieguez Written by Ben Gruber Executive Producer Ben Gruber Co-Executive Producers Agustín Alberdi - Tomi Dieguez - Andy Fogwill - Ignacio Orive - Diego Rosner Directed by Sung Jing Ahn